A few pics from 1999 I had just separated from my then wife moved myself into a quiet little townhouse and then began my Secret Feminine Journey, I plucked my eyebrows grew my hair  I just felt fantastic in myself got my ears pierced 40`sh first time, wow what an adrenaline rush.

 I knew I had to get some things so off to the OP Shop and i jumped online and bought makeup jewelry heels and nylons etc. ,you can buy lots online I didn`t know that at the time, WOW! Tried my new presents on what a trans-formation!! I loved it, I played and stayed there till 2007,

Then tragedy struck in the family won't go into that, I just had to get away, far far away, so what I felt like doing at the time was to shave my head, sold all that I have and started traveling around Australia in a Caravan its been an eye opener, one didn`t know how big this place was and two really found out how I felt on the inside, traveling as a nomad makes you think a lot and I knew I wanted to be a woman, I have become more comfortable over the last few years as being who I want to be , I'm still dressing when I can but not much room in the van , getting out when I can and have met a few other like minded friends, 

In my pics you see how I have changed my looks over the years till now, still trying to get my own style and looks,

One thing I am very happy with is my breast growth I love my girls.There is something about having real breasts its what I have wanted all my life it feels fantastic,

Thanks so much for looking at My life in Pictures 

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  Lisa xxx

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